به نام خدا بازدید کننده عزیز چیستی عاشورا(قسمت اول) چهارشنبه 2/10/1388 چیستی عاشورا (قسمت دوم) چهارشنبه 2/10/1388 عکسهای عاشورای فسا(دیماه 88) سهشنبه 8/10/1388 در آستانه چهارمین سال دوشنبه 21/10/1388 دهه فجر گرامی باد جمعه 9/11/1388 ثبت نام هدیه نوروزی شنبه 10/11/1388 Nanosystem Improves Cancer Trea ... سهشنبه 13/11/1388 اربعین حسینی تسلیت باد پنجشنبه 15/11/1388 طریقة جدیدة لترمیم العظام بالخل ... جمعه 16/11/1388 Computer viruses number growing جمعه 16/11/1388 22 بهمن 88 در فسا پنجشنبه 22/11/1388 تسلیت جمعه 23/11/1388 توهم و تخیل سهشنبه 27/11/1388 میلاد مبارک سهشنبه 11/12/1388 نتایج امتحانات فاینال زمستان 88 سهشنبه 18/12/1388 شیخ الاساتید من به رحمت حق پیوست جمعه 21/12/1388 Why People Fake Illness چهارشنبه 26/12/1388 نوروز مبارک شنبه 29/12/1388
به نام خدا دریافت کنندگان هدیه نوروزی
در هنگام ثبت نام اینترنتی برای دریافت هدیه نوروزی که در دهه فجر انجام گرفت ، به زبان آموزان عزیز قول دادم که در نیمه اول فروردین ،لیست شماره زبان آموزی دریافت کنندگان هدیه نوروزی(سی دی رایگان حاوی مطالب متنوع) در وبلاگ اعلام گردد.بدینوسیله لیست شماره هابه شرح زیر اعلام می گردد.لطفا قبل از دیدن لیست به این نکات توجه فرمایید. 1-زبان آموزانی که شماره آنها در این لیست دیده می شود می توانند همراه با شروع ترم بهار،روزهای شنبه،دوشنبه،چهارشنبه و پنجشنبه هر هفته در محل کانون در زمان زنگ تفریح،به این جانب مراجعه و هدیه خود را دریافت نمایند. 2-زبان آموزانی که موفق به ثبت نام نشده اند می توانند در صورت تمایل،با تحویل کارت زبان آموزی ترم بهار خود، یک نسخه از هدیه نوروزی را امانت گرفته و پس از نسخه برداری یا ذخیره در کامپیوتر خود،آن را عودت دهند. 3- قراردادن هدیه نوروزی در اختیار دیگران جهت نسخه برداری یا ذخیره در کامپیوتر افراد دیگر به شرط نداشتن مقاصد مالی،آزاد می باشد و بلامانع است. لیست شماره ها
دوره بزرگسال: کلاسهای ترم زمستان استاد محترم جناب آقای آوند: 8810783148
کلاسهای ترم زمستان استاد محترم جناب آقای بازیاری: 8710632539 8710632538 8710783077 8710782936 8810783397 8710783121
کلاسهای ترم زمستان استاد محترم جناب آقای برزکار: 8810632865 8810632690
کلاسهای ترم زمستان استاد محترم جناب آقای جعفری: 8810632623 8810632916 8710632471
کلاسهای ترم زمستان استاد محترم سرکار خانم رنجبر: 8710783123 8810783070 8710783075 8610782280 8810783253 8810783317 8710782951
کلاسهای ترم زمستان استاد محترم جناب آقای صالحی زاده: 8810632899
کلاسهای ترم زمستان خودم: 8710632449 8710783004 8810783405 8710782943 8810707037 8710782781 8810783526 8810783294 8810783459 8810783525
دوره نوجوان: کلاسهای ترم زمستان استاد محترم سرکار خانم فیروزی 8710632410 |
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ضمن عرض تبریک سال نو |
In the Name of God Why People Fake Illness Source:Live Science posted: 17 February 2010 09:32 am ET In 2008, a Baltimore woman named Dina Leone shared shocking news with her friends and family: she had been diagnosed with stomach cancer. She wrote blogs and Facebook notes, updating everyone on her treatment and progress. The 37-year-old mother of two received more than an outpouring of support and get-well cards; she also got money to help pay for her treatments and fulfill her dying wishes. It was all very tragic – and it was also a hoax. Police investigated her claims and soon her story unraveled when the hospitals she claimed to have visited had no record of her. Leone eventually admitted that she had pretended to be sick for over three years. She was recently indicted on charges of theft and conspiracy. But why would someone lie about having cancer? Usually the main motivation for faking an illness is to gain sympathy. People like being the center of attention; they like the constant stream of well-wishes and gifts, concerned calls from old friends and others. Sometimes the hoaxes are committed for the simplest and basest of reasons: money. Nothing opens wallets and purses like sympathy for the sick or injured, and few people have the audacity to ask where the money goes. Case in point: One Boston woman, Kristen Clougherty, told friends and family she had cancer in 1999. They organized a fundraising 5K run in her name, and raised about $50,000, which she reportedly spent on a new car and breast implants. Often, of course, there are mixed motivations, and the person faking illness has many reasons to keep up the pretense of being sick for as long as possible. Some people really do have a disease — not cancer but a mental illness known as a factitious disorder. People with this disorder pretend to have an illness (usually a terminal one) and often go to great lengths to maintain the hoax. Munchausen"s By Proxy It"s one thing if an adult friend or co-worker fakes an illness for sympathy or time off work. But some of the most tragic cases involve children. One type of factitious disorder, Munchausen syndrome by proxy, involves a person who acts as if the child he or she is caring for has an illness. For example, for much of 2003, the parents of a 7-year-old girl named Hannah Milbrandt told their friends and family that their daughter had cancer. Bake sales and donations raised about $10,000 for the family between April and December, when it was discovered that the girl was not sick. Teresa Milbrandt did her best to make her daughter look sick. She shaved the girl"s head to mimic the side effects of chemotherapy, made her wear a protective mask as if her immune system had been compromised, and even drugged her daughter with sleeping pills to make her groggy. Even worse, Hannah wasn"t in on the scheme: Milbrandt convinced her daughter she was really going to die, and had her in counseling to cope with the fact she would never see her teenage years. Though Munchausen"s by proxy is a rare disorder, it is hardly unique: Two years earlier, an Indiana woman raised over $6,000 telling her family — and her daughter — that she was dying of leukemia. It"s likely that factitious disorders occur more often than people realize. After all, the only cases that are discovered or make the news are ones in which the person at the center of the hoax carries it on so long that the hoax is exposed. There are likely many cases where the person suddenly starts to get better before raising suspicions. These faked illnesses could have implications for people who really do have cancer, or other sickness. One person who truly did have cancer told Dina Leone she was worried that the exposure of Leone"s hoax would make people less likely to believe real victims. But if history is any indication, the pool of public sympathy and goodwill won"t be tainted by factitious disorders. > |
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