• وبلاگ : وبلاگ شخصي محمدعلي مقامي
  • يادداشت : اشکان در روزنامه اسرائيلي
  • نظرات : 0 خصوصي ، 12 عمومي

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    متن پيام :
    حداکثر 2000 حرف
    كد امنيتي:
    ممنون از احوالپرسي هايتان
    در تاريخ ايرانيان از اين دست ، تصميمات عجولانه زياد ديده مي شود .
    به نظر شما امتناع از بازي با بازيكنان اسرائيلي مشكل گشا خواهد بود ؟؟
    مستدام باشيد

    با سلام و تشکر از حضور شماو با ابراز خوشحالي از اين که محيط پارسي بلاگ مي تواند شرايطي را فراهم نمايد که تحت آن شرايط،افراد بتوانند در جوي کاملا دوستانه و صميمي و دور از تنش و اصطکاک،به تبادل افکار و انديشه بپردازند،و همچنين با احترام کامل نسبت به اصل آزادي انديشه و بيان،لازم مي دانم توضيحات زير را در جواب فرمايشات شما عزيز بزرگوار تقديم نمايم.شک ندارم که سرکار به عنوان يک بانوي آزاد انديش مسلمان و عدالت خواه ،به ظلمي که سالهاي سال توسط رژيم اشغالگر و غير مشروع صهيونيستي و همه اعوان و انصارش نسبت به ملت جفا کشيده فلسطين روا داشته شده،اذعان و اعتراف داريد. با وجود پشتيبانيهاي بي حد و حساب قدرت هاي بزرگ ،ملتهاي مسلمان هيچگاه اين رژيم جفاپيشه رابه رسميت نشناخته اند. اعمال جنايتکارانه اين رژيم آنچنان دردناک بوده که نه تنها مسلمانان ،بلکه جامعه يهوديان ضد صهيونيسم را هم به عکس العمل واداشته است.تلاشهاي خيلي زيادي صورت پذيرفته که مشروعيت اين رژيم در جوامع مختلف خصوصا جوامع اسلامي مورد قبول واقع شود.در طي سالهاي متمادي سعي کرده اند با ايجاد ارتباطهاي سياسي يا ديپلماتيک،روابط تجاري و تبادل فرهنگي با بعضي کشور هاي اسلامي،قبح عدم مشروعيت اين رزيم را از بين ببرند.يکي از زمينه هاي ايجاد اين ارتباط ورزش بوده است.زمانيکه يک ورزشکار مسلمان با يک ورزشکار صهيونيست يا حد اقل اعزام شده توسط رژيم صهيونيستي مبارزه کند،خواه ناخواه به عنوان مهر تاييد بر مشروعيت آن رژيم خواهد بود.بنابرين امتناع يک يا چند ورزشکار از مبارزه با حريفان اسرائيلي نه تنها به عنوان اقدامي عجولانه به حساب نمي آيد، بلکه دقيقا به عنوان عملي متهورانه و هدفمند بر عليه نظام سلطه تلقي مي شود.لازم به ذکر است که اشکان،ورزشکار ايراني الاصل ،در حال حاضر شهروند آلماني است و کار وي به عنوان فرزند يک خانواده مسلمان،تنها از اعتقاد شخصي وي و نفرت وي از جنايات صهيونيستهاسرچشمه مي گيرد در حاليکه روزنامه صهيونيستي سعي کرده است به شکلي اين امر را با جمهوري اسلامي مرتبط نمايد.اين چنين اقداماتي حتي اگر( به نظر برسد که) براي ما ايرانيان يا ديگر مسلمانان مشکل گشا نباشد،بدون ترديد براي رژيم صهيونيستي مشکل ساز خواهد بود.نمونه آن اين است که اين روزنامه صهيونيستي مجبور شده که در سطح وسيع عکس العمل نشان داده و آن را در صدر اخبار ورزشي خود قرار دهد.باز هم از حضور سرکار و ارائه نقطه نظرتان ممنونم.شايد بازديد کنندگان ديگري دوباره در رد يا تاييد هريک از اين دو ديدگاه مطالبي بنگارند.موفق باشيد و التماس دعابراي بيشتر مشخص شدن موضوع ،متن کامل خبر روزنامه صهيونيستي را کپي پيست مينمايم.German striker refuses to play in IsraelThe German Football Association (DFB) on Monday controversially backed Iranian-born star Ashkan Dejagah's decision to opt out of playing in this weekend's Israel versus Germany Under-21 European Championship qualifying match in Tel Aviv due to "personal reasons." In a DFB statement, the striker, who plays for Bundesliga side Vfb Wolfsburg, asked for "understanding" from the German Football Association that the "reasons are of a very personal nature and lie in my closest family." However, the German daily Bild quoted Dejagah as saying his refusal "had political reasons." "Everyone knows I am an Iranian-born German," he said. Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iran has not recognized Israel's right to exist, Iranians are not allowed to travel to Israel and the country's president has famously called for Israel to be wiped off the map. Although Germany Under-21 coach Dieter Eilts has accepted Dejagah's choice to opt out of Friday's match, DFB president Theo Zwanziger initially criticized the 20-year-old, telling German media over the weekend, "If we start doing things for political reasons, it will be sport itself which loses." But Zwanziger made a dramatic turnaround on Monday when the DFB released a statement saying the president had agreed that Dejagah did not have to play. The statement said Zwanziger "respected the decision of the coach... that the player stated reasons which lie in the private sector." Dejagah has considered playing for Iran rather than Germany at the international level. The Iranian state news agency IRNA reported that Dejagah's father, Muhammad, said in a recent interview in Berlin that his son "has yet to decide if he wants to play for the national football team of his native country Iran or Germany." Dejagah established himself early in his career, becoming the youngest player to be signed by Hertha Berlin in 2005. Since moving to Wolfsburg over the summer, he has become a crucial member of the squad, scoring an 88th minute equalizer in a 2-2 draw with Hamburg on September 29. Wolfsburg is currently in 10th place in the Bundesliga. On Monday, IRNA said Dejagah had already said, "It was well known beforehand that I won't fly [to Israel]. The coach understood my reasons." The Israel Football Association was unavailable for comment on Monday, but Ze'ev Seltzer, youth coordinator of the IFA, told Bild he did not accept Dejagah's excuses. "We can separate between sport and politics," Seltzer said. German political leaders have also spoken out against Dejagah's decision. Dr. Friedbert Pflueger, leader of the CDU Party, told Bild it was "completely unacceptable." "I have already had inquiries from the Iranian Federation," he said. "If he has political reservations, he may not play for a German team." Pflueger also dismissed any question of Dejagah refusing to play on the basis of security risks, saying, "He is a German citizen. Everything would be done for his security in Israel." Zwanziger said the decision had not been political. "We will not accept that a German national player refuses to play in an international match because of his world view," he said in the DFB statement, which referred to "outstanding German-Israeli relations." Zwanziger said soccer has "always built bridges in the past," adding that it can "dissolve irreconcilably facing points of view." He is due to arrive in Israel two days before the match to visit "important points in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem." Zwanziger, Eilts and DFB sports director Matthias Sammer intend to "lay down a wreath to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust" on a hill west of Jerusalem after they visit Yad Vashem. Zwanziger said he planned to arrange discussions with "top representatives of the Israeli soccer federation" in Tel Aviv on Thursday to "continue and deepen" the connections that German football has felt with Israel. He said the German Football Association will "follow its social responsibility" by having the German national team play in Israel.